• North America
  • Europe
  • Middle East and Africa
  • Indian Sub-Continent
  • Far East


Kuwait Airways continues linking you to the world, even while you are on​board. To provide the best customer experience we offer onboard connectivity packages for your entertainment. Passengers can select from one or more of the following packages:
Blue-Fi packages Cost Limit Chatting Email Browsing Streaming
Messaging Complimentary Unlimited x x x
Mail and Surf $20 3 hours (150mb) x


While we strive for the best experience, customers acknowledge possible service disruptions or errors. Reasons include regulatory restrictions and technical issues. Kuwait Airways doesn't guarantee flawless service due to factors beyond control. They're not liable for third-party internet interruptions. Users accept the service at their own risk and agree to all terms. Detailed Terms and Conditions appear upon accepting onboard internet.